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Code of Conduct

Code of conduct

Kiesel have a goal to create a positive impression in all types of activities, combined with leaving a small environmental footprint on our local environment and in our industry. The positive contribution includes security, health, and environment, regionally, nationally, and globally. The work is achieved by yearly reports to Eco Light House, and recertifications every third year, plus updates in our HSE management system Avonova (for managing health, safety, and environment issues).


About our Code of conduct

Our code of conduct is a guide for the minimum expectations of employees at Kiesel Norway AS and to guide our business ethic as employees. The guidelines are applicable for all types of employees; full- and part time employees, temporary, and consultants who represent Kiesel Norway AS. The code of conduct is presented to newly employed and is issue for yearly revisions.


How to act according to the code of conduct

The employees at Kiesel Norway AS will uphold a decent work ethic and comply to the guidelines, acts, and laws. We will always prioritize an ethical behavior, and the ethical guidelines forms a basis to everything that we do. We must be conscious as to how we behave, in what we say and write, digitally and in person, both in internal situations and in external meetings.


Working environment

Our internal working environment is to be one where the employees feel safe and where they flourish. They should not question the safety of their work tasks or feel uncertain of the level of HSE. To uphold good HSE we regularly perform safety inspections, staff survey and employee appraisal interview.


We are thankful for all the notices of deviation, complaints, feedback, and improvement proposals we receive as a company. We do not accept discrimination or harassment of or among our employees. We act according to the Holiday Act and leave of absence from the Working Environment Act, to maintain a good balance between working hours and free time (work- life balance). We do not allow unreported employment.



We work according to the Working Environment Act and our goal is to have suppliers who yearly perform a due diligence in accordance with the Transparency Act. Our suppliers are to maintain a good working environment, human rights, and uphold a decent work moral. We require a high HSE standard from our suppliers, especially when performing assembling, commissioning, and handover of machines at customers sites.


We aim to have suppliers that offers environmentally friendly alternatives, within operation, transport, and part deliveries. Through supply control, we wait and order more spare parts together, and plan our orders so that we do not need express delivery. This way we cut down on unnecessary costs, packaging, and transport of the parts.


Assessments and use patterns 

Yearly we reassess our carriers and their environmental impact.

Where it is possible, we want to reduce our traveling, by for example travel to several customers located in the same area. We also look for environment friendly alternatives for traveling and transport and exchange our cars into electrical vehicles gradually.


In addition, we a goal to guide our customers on how to make environment friendly choices in for example machine use patterns, to maintain a safe work environment, and influence our suppliers to make more conscious choices.



We do not tolerate corruption inside or outside the organization. We comply to the GDPR articles, and do not infringe privacy and follow the confidentiality rules in our company.



We want to reduce our emissions from transport to our customers sites, through choosing the best alternative for carriers and transport of machines, parts, and equipment. Through reuse of packaging, we save money from purchasing and cause less pollution from production. Our goal is a high degree of recycling, and we can often recycle the waste directly at our customer’s sites at recycling stations.


Relationship between customers and suppliers

Employees at Kiesel Norway are to behave correct and polite towards customers, suppliers, and other partners. We shall not exploit economic benefits from people we come in touch with on behalf of the company and should treat people with respect.


Order and behavior

The employees are to meet up for work punctual and ready at the start of the workday. All the employees should treat their colleagues in a decent way. Everyone needs to follow the instructions given by their superior, execute the work tasks after their best capabilities, and handle the material, tools, and machines with care.


The working station should be clean, organized, and look presentable.



Employees at Kiesel Norway AS has confidentiality.


Employees of Kiesel Norway (KIESEL NORGE AS) have a duty of loyalty and are obligated not to use, disclose, or otherwise make available information about KIESEL NORGE AS's trade secrets, personal data, or business know-how to unauthorized persons.


Employees must exercise caution in discussing matters they become aware of or experience during their work. The confidentiality obligation also extends to KIESEL NORGE AS's customers/suppliers and their affairs.


Violation of these provisions may result in criminal liability, termination, or dismissal. The confidentiality obligation also applies after the termination of the employment relationship.


Business Conduct

The employees of Kiesel Norway are to behave honestly with integrity in all matters, both internally and externally, and take responsibility for their own actions. They should exercise good judgment and avoid behaviors that may appear inappropriate.


Examples of questions to assess one's actions are:

• Is the action in line with the guidelines for good business conduct?

• Is the action ethical?

• Is the action legal?

• Will the action reflect positively on you or KIESEL NORWAY AS?

If the answer is "NO," the action should not be carried out. If in doubt, you should consult your immediate supervisor. It is acceptable to make mistakes in good faith, but one must take responsibility for the consequences afterwards.


Use of social media

The society has developed, and social media and the internet in general is an area where many people want to express their opinions and partake in discussions.

We support our employee’s freedom of speech, but the confidentiality also applies in social media and on the Internet.


We hope that you think about the following when you participate on social media platforms:

• Be aware of your role as an employee of KIESEL NORGE AS.

• Make it clear if you express your own private opinion, or as a part of the organization Kiesel Norway AS.

• Attend discussions in the field actively but be open about your workplace as well.

• Consider if you should have contact with suppliers and customers as a private person outside of work. Even if you in the offset think it is easy to separate the two roles, it can lead to situations over time which are difficult for the two parts (customers and suppliers) to differentiate.

• Do not share photos or information about other people at the workplace, customers, or suppliers, without their consent.

• Remember that the Internet is permanent, it can be difficult to delete what you have published and expressed.


Use of drugs and other substances

No one is allowed to appear intoxicated or consume drugs during the working hours or on the premises. Medications affect the central nervous system and can affect the employee’s ability to perform their work safely. A doctor should always be consulted and informed of their work tasks if drugs is necessary.


Employees have a general responsibility to ensure that they are fit to perform their duties in a safe manner. If KIESEL NORGE AS can document that the employee has a substance abuse problem and that the effects of the problems are such that they affect job performance, this may constitute a valid reason for termination of employment.


Access to Information

This instruction is particularly for employees with their own company email address/ users in internal systems at Kiesel Norway.


We can as a main rule not ask for access to the employee’s private files or email, with a few exceptions:

• When it is necessary to maintain the day-to-day operations or other legitimate interests of the business.

• When there is justified suspicion that the employee's use of the email inbox entails a serious breach of the duties arising from the employment relationship or may provide grounds for termination or dismissal.

•  Leave of absence:   

During a longer leave Kiesel Norway might need to gain access to the email and other internal data.

The following routine should then take effect:

• First: an attempt at contacting the employee who is absent.

• There shall always be two persons present when opening the mailbox.

• The CEO shall always be one of those persons.

• Folders in the email market «Private» or other email with private character, shall not be opened.


Internal whistleblowing  

As an employee at Kiesel Norge AS you always have the right to alert of critic worthy conditions, according to the Working Environment Act's § 2 A-1. According to the Working Environment Act’s § 2 A-4, criticism is to be met without reprisal. More elaborate information about the whistleblowing procedure is to be found in our management system Avonova.


The internal procedure is summed up with:

• The notification is handed to the immediate superior.

• The identity of the individual should not be disclosed.

• Kiesel Norway wish that the notification is signed, but the whistleblower can choose to be anonymous.

• If the reported issue concerns the immediate supervisor or if the immediate supervisor does not take any action regarding the matter, the next-level supervisor or the human resources department shall be notified. If the immediate supervisor is the highest-ranking leader, the board shall be notified.


Questions about of Code of Conduct?

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